Jan. 11, 2024

#10 - Edgar Diaz - Behind the Scenes of a $20 Million E-Commerce Business

#10 - Edgar Diaz - Behind the Scenes of a $20 Million E-Commerce Business

Edgar Diaz, the Business Development Officer at Lucy's Inc, shares Lucy's e-commerce journey, from a small food service company to a thriving online business. Learn how they navigated challenges, scaled from $200K to $20M in sales, and adapted their products for success on Amazon and Shopify.

Connect with Edgar Diaz and Lucy's

Website: ⁠https://lucysinc.com/⁠

LinkedIn: ⁠https://www.linkedin.com/in/edgar-diaz-3539b1286/⁠

Instagram: ⁠https://www.instagram.com/lucys.inc/⁠

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